
Walmart clown commercial: 30 seconds of scary daddy

The NFL's two championship games provided a window into the pricey adverts that will surround next month's Super Bowl. Among the beer and pizza ads and retro-look commercials in which Pepsi has reintroduced a cola made with sugar, was an odd Walmart ad in which daddy dresses up as a clown for a birthday party in a costume and makeup he purchased for real cheap at the mega-discount retailer. As he comes down the stairs, daddy jumps unknowingly onto a toy unicorn, injuring his foot. He screams for a long time, scaring away the kids.

It all sounds good on paper, but it comes off kinda creepy, making us wonder if Walmart should retool the piece. For instance, daddy could have come stumbling down the stairs as a clown only to discover that his wife was throwing one of those cucumber sandwich parties for the PTA and the birthday is next week. Not good enough? You try (comment below).

As for the Super Bowl, the Indianapolis Colts beat the New York Jets in the AFC Championship game and will face the winner of the NFC Championship.

